
Artifact [a06cfebfdc]

Artifact a06cfebfdcba074cb9b4d2f33ead6418cfe232e5268af91ce64f7fdc96e85fca:

Wiki page [man-page] by alex 2018-08-25 20:13:40.
D 2018-08-25T20:13:40.084
L man-page
P 434c1c1276754c2b698bfa5dcc11828524e53c1a4cbff8dcfeb7ecdedad548f1
U alex
W 4420

   ::ooxml::Default name value
   ::ooxml::RowColumnToString rowcol
   ::ooxml::StringToRowColumn name
   ::ooxml::CalcColumnWidth numberOfCharacters ?maximumDigitWidth? ?pixelPadding?
   ::ooxml::xl_sheets file
   ::ooxml::xl_read file args
   ::ooxml::xl_write args
   ::ooxml::tablelist_to_xl lb args


<p>dashDot | dashDotDot | dashed | dotted | double | hair | medium | mediumDashDot | mediumDashDotDot | mediumDashDotDot | none | slantDashDot | thick | thin</p>

<p>0-65<br>Aqua | Black | Blue | BlueRomance | Canary | CarnationPink | Citrus | Cream | DarkSlateBlue | DeepSkyBlue | Eucalyptus | Fuchsia | Gray | Green | Karaka | LavenderBlue | LightCoral | LightCyan | LightSkyBlue | Lime | Lipstick | Maroon | Mauve | MediumTurquoise | Myrtle | Navy | NavyBlue | NightRider | Nobel | Olive | OrangePeel | PeachOrange | Portage | PrussianBlue | Purple | Red | RoyalBlue | SaddleBrown | SafetyOrange | Scampi | Silver | TangerineYellow | Teal | White | Yellow | SystemBackground | SystemForeground<br>RGB<br>aRGB</p>


<p>up | down</p>

<p>left | center | right</p>

<p>darkDown | darkGray | darkGrid | darkHorizontal | darkTrellis | darkUp | darkVertical | gray0625 | gray125 | lightDown | lightGray | lightGrid | lightHorizontal | lightTrellis | lightUp | lightVertical | mediumGray | none | solid</p>

<p>top | center | bottom</p>


::ooxml::Default name value
    name = path


::ooxml::RowColumnToString rowcol
    return name


::ooxml::StringToRowColumn name
    return rowcol


::ooxml::CalcColumnWidth numberOfCharacters {maximumDigitWidth 7} {pixelPadding 5}
    return width


::ooxml::xl_sheets file
    return sheetInformation


::ooxml::xl_read file
    -valuesonly -keylist -sheets PATTERN -sheetnames PATTERN -datefmt FORMAT
    return workbookData


    constructor args
      -creator CREATOR
      return class
    method numberformat args
      -format FORMAT -general -date -time -datetime -iso8601 -number -decimal -red -separator -fraction -scientific -percent -text -string
      return NUMFMTID
    method defaultdatestyle STYLEID
    method font args
      -list -name NAME -family FAMILY -size SIZE -color COLOR -scheme SCHEME -bold -italic -underline -color COLOR
      return FONTID
    method fill args
      -list -patterntype PATTERNTYPE -fgcolor COLOR -bgcolor COLOR
      return FILLID
    method border args
      -list -leftstyle BORDERLINESTYLE -leftcolor COLOR -rightstyle BORDERLINESTYLE -rightcolor COLOR -topstyle BORDERLINESTYLE -topcolor COLOR
      -bottomstyle BORDERLINESTYLE -bottomcolor COLOR -diagonalstyle BORDERLINESTYLE -diagonalcolor COLOR -diagonaldirection DIAGONALDIRECTION
      return BORDERID
    method style args
      -list -numfmt NUMFMTID -font FONTID -fill FILLID -border BORDERID -xf XFID -horizontal HORIZONTAL -vertical VERTICAL -rotate DEGREE
      return STYLEID
    method worksheet name
      return SHEETID
    method column sheet args
      -index INDEX -to INDEX -width WIDTH -style STYLEID -bestfit -customwidth -string -nozero -calcfit
      autoincrement of column if INDEX not applied
      return column
    method row sheet args
      -index INDEX -height HEIGHT
      autoincrement of row if INDEX not applied
      return row
    method cell sheet {data {}} args
      -index INDEX -style STYLEID -formula FORMULA -string -nozero -globalstyle -height HEIGHT
      autoincrement of column if INDEX not applied
      return row,column
    method autofilter sheet indexFrom indexTo
    method freeze sheet index
    method presetstyles
    method presetsheets
    method write filename

::ooxml::tablelist_to_xl lb args
    -callback CALLBACK -path PATH -file FILENAME -creator CREATOR -name NAME -rootonly -addtimestamp -globalstyle
    Callback arguments
      spreadsheet sheet maxcol column title width align sortmode hide

Z 5ad2d2a7f3ded300f5d76876d57471d1