
Artifact [f80af42934]

Artifact f80af42934e91b6573397277e057380373a695194c4e1a8fe7599224d0865ed9:

Wiki page [examples] by alex 2019-11-22 13:22:58.
D 2019-11-22T13:22:58.846
L examples
P 3386af831282a391457d450cefa0c6a7e92cbd0d752929642b28e930ced68852
U alex
W 3346
<p>Reading a complete XLSX workbook including all sheets:</p>
package require ooxml

array set workbook [ooxml::xl_read my-first.xlsx]
<p>Generating XLSX with direct addressing with -index:</p>
package require ooxml

set spreadsheet [::ooxml::xl_write new -creator {Creator Name}]
if {[set sheet [$spreadsheet worksheet {Sheet 1}]] > -1} {
  $spreadsheet cell $sheet 12.34 -index 0,0
  $spreadsheet cell $sheet 5.6 -index 0,1
  $spreadsheet cell $sheet {} -index C1 -formula {A1+B1}

  $spreadsheet cell $sheet {My Text} -index A2 -string 
$spreadsheet write my-first.xlsx
$spreadsheet destroy
<p>You can use numeric index row,col (0,0) or alfanumeric index like Excel does rowcol (A1).</p>
<p>An other way is using autoincrement:</p>
package require ooxml

set spreadsheet [::ooxml::xl_write new -creator {Creator Name}]
if {[set sheet [$spreadsheet worksheet {Sheet 1}]] > -1} {
  $spreadsheet row $sheet
  $spreadsheet cell $sheet 12.34
  $spreadsheet cell $sheet 5.6
  $spreadsheet cell $sheet {} -formula {A1+B1}

  $spreadsheet row $sheet
  $spreadsheet cell $sheet {My Text} -string
$spreadsheet write my-first.xlsx
$spreadsheet destroy
<p>Rows and coulmns are auto incremented and can be skipped by -index like this:</p>
$spreadsheet row
$spreadsheet cell $sheet Value1
$spreadsheet cell $sheet Value2 -index 4
$spreadsheet cell $sheet Value3
$spreadsheet row -index 3
$spreadsheet cell $sheet Value4
<p>The result will be Value1 in 0,0 (A1), Value2 in 0,4 (E1), Value3 in 0,5 (F1) and Value4 in 3,0 (A4).</p>
<p>There are two helper to convert row,col to string and the other way around.</p>
::ooxml::StringToRowColumn A1
<p>Result = 0,0</p>
::ooxml::RowColumnToString 0,0
<p>Result = A1</p>
<p>An other helper can calculate the column width of a cell:</p>
::ooxml::CalcColumnWidth 16
<p>Result = 16.7109375</p>
<h3>Example Files</h3>
<p>Write an Excel file method one: direct addressing with -index.<br>Output: export1.xlsx</p>
<p>Write an Excel file method two: with row auto increment.<br>Output: export2.xlsx</p>
<p>Exporting a Tablelist to an Excel file.<br>Output: export3.xlsx</p>
<p>Write an Excel file with a formula A1+B1.<br>Output: export4.xlsx</p>
<p>Write an Excel file with defaultdatestyle set.<br>Output: export5.xlsx</p>
<p>Write a complex Excel file with a lot of formats.<br>Output: export6.xlsx</p>
<p>Read a complex Excel file (generated by Excel) interpret all known formats and write it back.<br>Input: original_excel.xlsx<br>Output: export7.xlsx</p>
<p>[/artifact/a4549c1eb1159a39 |sample8.tcl]:</p>
<p>Read in an Excel file search and replace some cells and write a new file.<br>Input: form8.xlsx<br>Output: export8.xlsx</p>
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