
Update of "man-page"

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Artifact ID: f63bd508227315ce87a59d3935425c53ec8410798a0a085cb4ab4df662c7122a
Page Name:man-page
Date: 2020-03-08 18:49:03
Original User: alex
Parent: bbbc508df1926a25646fbfd3443871ad1c040681d026baa2de41680beb5384bf (diff)
Next 46cbdad67a8bf65a31d6f6cae9919973dd2ac50cd922d18f5e84bfc3d44524e7


   ::ooxml::Default name value
   ::ooxml::RowColumnToString rowcol
   ::ooxml::StringToRowColumn name
   ::ooxml::CalcColumnWidth numberOfCharacters ?maximumDigitWidth? ?pixelPadding?
   ::ooxml::xl_sheets file
   ::ooxml::xl_read file args
   ::ooxml::xl_write args
                     method numberformat args
                     method defaultdatestyle STYLEID
                     method font args
                     method fill args
                     method border args
                     method style args
                     method worksheet name
                     method column sheet args
                     method row sheet args
                     method cell sheet {data {}} args
                     method autofilter sheet indexFrom indexTo
                     method freeze sheet index
                     method presetstyles
                     method presetsheets
                     method view args
                     method write filename
   ::ooxml::tablelist_to_xl lb args


dashDot | dashDotDot | dashed | dotted | double | hair | medium | mediumDashDot | mediumDashDotDot | mediumDashDotDot | none | slantDashDot | thick | thin


Aqua | Black | Blue | BlueRomance | Canary | CarnationPink | Citrus | Cream | DarkSlateBlue | DeepSkyBlue | Eucalyptus | Fuchsia | Gray | Green | Karaka | LavenderBlue | LightCoral | LightCyan | LightSkyBlue | Lime | Lipstick | Maroon | Mauve | MediumTurquoise | Myrtle | Navy | NavyBlue | NightRider | Nobel | Olive | OrangePeel | PeachOrange | Portage | PrussianBlue | Purple | Red | RoyalBlue | SaddleBrown | SafetyOrange | Scampi | Silver | TangerineYellow | Teal | White | Yellow | SystemBackground | SystemForeground




up | down


left | center | right


darkDown | darkGray | darkGrid | darkHorizontal | darkTrellis | darkUp | darkVertical | gray0625 | gray125 | lightDown | lightGray | lightGrid | lightHorizontal | lightTrellis | lightUp | lightVertical | mediumGray | none | solid


top | center | bottom


positive whole number, whose contents consist of a measurement in twentieths of a point (equivalent to 1/1440th of an inch)

::ooxml::Default name value

Overwrites default values

::ooxml::RowColumnToString rowcol

Converts coordinates from numeric row,column (0,0) to Excel style alphanumeric (A1) etc.

::ooxml::StringToRowColumn name

Converts coordinates from Excel style alphanumeric (A1) to numeric row,column (0,0) etc.

::ooxml::CalcColumnWidth numberOfCharacters {maximumDigitWidth 7} {pixelPadding 5}

Calculates the column width based on the number of characters

::ooxml::xl_sheets file

::ooxml::xl_read file args

Reads the tables with all the implemented information into an array.

::ooxml::xl_write constructor args -creator CREATOR

::ooxml::xl_write method numberformat args

Creates an Excel number format (NUMFMTID) for the current workbook.

::ooxml::xl_write method defaultdatestyle STYLEID

Set the style for the default date format (default=0) for the current workbook.

::ooxml::xl_write method font args

Create a FONTID with the following settings for the current workbook.

::ooxml::xl_write method fill args

Create a FILLID with the following settings for the current workbook.

::ooxml::xl_write method border args

Create a BORDERID with the following settings for the current workbook.

::ooxml::xl_write method style args

Create a STYLEID with the following settings for the current workbook.

::ooxml::xl_write method worksheet name

Creates a new woksheet for the current workbook.

::ooxml::xl_write method column sheet args

Column definitions for the specified worksheet.

::ooxml::xl_write method row sheet args

Sets values for the new line or jumps to the line number for the specified worksheet.

::ooxml::xl_write method cell sheet {data {}} args

::ooxml::xl_write method autofilter sheet indexFrom indexTo

Set autofilter for the specified worksheet.

::ooxml::xl_write method freeze sheet index

Freeze panes for the specified worksheet.

::ooxml::xl_write method presetstyles workbookData

An Excel document read in with ::ooxml::xl_read with the known styles preassigned.

::ooxml::xl_write method presetsheets workbookData

An Excel document read in with ::ooxml::xl_read with the known formats and data preassigned.

::ooxml::xl_write method view args

::ooxml::xl_write method write filename

Writes the defined Excel document.

::ooxml::tablelist_to_xl lb args

Exporting a tablelist to an Excel file.

CALLBACK sample and default:

proc ::ooxml::tablelist_to_xl_callback { spreadsheet sheet maxcol column title width align sortmode hide } {
  set left 0
  set center [$spreadsheet style -horizontal center]
  set right [$spreadsheet style -horizontal right]
  set date [$spreadsheet style -numfmt [$spreadsheet numberformat -datetime]]
  set decimal [$spreadsheet style -numfmt [$spreadsheet numberformat -decimal -red]]
  set text [$spreadsheet style -numfmt [$spreadsheet numberformat -string]]

  if {$column == -1} {
    $spreadsheet defaultdatestyle $date
  } else {
    switch -- $align {
      center {
        $spreadsheet column $sheet -index $column -style $center
      right {
        $spreadsheet column $sheet -index $column -style $right
      default {
        $spreadsheet column $sheet -index $column -style $left