
Artifact [77fb5e47c2]

Artifact 77fb5e47c28f6591c67699225dd2bbcc5056915d1437256d19d816137c64e4a5:

Wiki page [man-page] by alex 2019-12-09 16:37:39.
D 2019-12-09T16:37:39.077
L man-page
P c73265599b00119f2a0932478cbbdf0c70dcb983a3eb77895dc8d145a4f1ce6b
U alex
W 15309
   ::ooxml::<a href="#default">Default</a> name value
   ::ooxml::<a href="#rowcolumntostring">RowColumnToString</a> rowcol
   ::ooxml::<a href="#stringtorowcolumn">StringToRowColumn</a> name
   ::ooxml::<a href="#calccolumnwidth">CalcColumnWidth</a> numberOfCharacters ?maximumDigitWidth? ?pixelPadding?
   ::ooxml::<a href="#xl_sheets">xl_sheets</a> file
   ::ooxml::<a href="#xl_read">xl_read</a> file args
   ::ooxml::<a href="#xl_write">xl_write</a> args
                     method <a href="#numberformat">numberformat</a> args
                     method <a href="#defaultdatestyle">defaultdatestyle</a> STYLEID
                     method <a href="#font">font</a> args
                     method <a href="#fill">fill</a> args
                     method <a href="#border">border</a> args
                     method <a href="#style">style</a> args
                     method <a href="#worksheet">worksheet</a> name
                     method <a href="#column">column</a> sheet args
                     method <a href="#row">row</a> sheet args
                     method <a href="#cell">cell</a> sheet {data {}} args
                     method <a href="#autofilter">autofilter</a> sheet indexFrom indexTo
                     method <a href="#freeze">freeze</a> sheet index
                     method <a href="#presetstyles">presetstyles</a>
                     method <a href="#presetsheets">presetsheets</a>
                     method <a href="#view">view</a> args
                     method <a href="#write">write</a> filename
   ::ooxml::<a href="#tablelist_to_xl">tablelist_to_xl</a> lb args
	dashDot | dashDotDot | dashed | dotted | double | hair | medium | mediumDashDot | mediumDashDotDot | mediumDashDotDot | none | slantDashDot | thick | thin 
	<b><a id="COLOR"> COLOR </a></b> 
	Aqua | Black | Blue | BlueRomance | Canary | CarnationPink | Citrus | Cream | DarkSlateBlue | DeepSkyBlue | Eucalyptus | Fuchsia | Gray | Green | Karaka | LavenderBlue | LightCoral | LightCyan | LightSkyBlue | Lime | Lipstick | Maroon | Mauve | MediumTurquoise | Myrtle | Navy | NavyBlue | NightRider | Nobel | Olive | OrangePeel | PeachOrange | Portage | PrussianBlue | Purple | Red | RoyalBlue | SaddleBrown | SafetyOrange | Scampi | Silver | TangerineYellow | Teal | White | Yellow | SystemBackground | SystemForeground<br>
	<b><a id="DEGREE"> DEGREE </a></b> 
	up | down 
	<b><a id="HORIZONTAL"> HORIZONTAL </a></b> 
	left | center | right 
	<b><a id="PATTERNTYPE"> PATTERNTYPE </a></b> 
	darkDown | darkGray | darkGrid | darkHorizontal | darkTrellis | darkUp | darkVertical | gray0625 | gray125 | lightDown | lightGray | lightGrid | lightHorizontal | lightTrellis | lightUp | lightVertical | mediumGray | none | solid 
	<b><a id="VERTICAL"> VERTICAL </a></b> 
	top | center | bottom 
	<b><a id="TWIPS"> TWIPS </a></b> 
	positive whole number, whose contents consist of a measurement in twentieths of a point (equivalent to 1/1440th of an inch)
	<b><a id="default">::ooxml::Default</a></b> name value 
	Overwrites default values 
		<dt> name = path</dt>
		<dd> (default = ".") </dd>
	<b><a id="rowcolumntostring">::ooxml::RowColumnToString</a></b> rowcol 
	Converts coordinates from numeric row,column (0,0) to Excel style alphanumeric (A1) etc. 
		return name 
	<b><a id="stringtorowcolumn">::ooxml::StringToRowColumn</a></b> name 
	Converts coordinates from Excel style alphanumeric (A1) to numeric row,column (0,0) etc. 
		return rowcol 
	<b><a id="calccolumnwidth">::ooxml::CalcColumnWidth</a></b> numberOfCharacters {maximumDigitWidth 7} {pixelPadding 5} 
	Calculates the column width based on the number of characters 
		return width 
	<b><a id="xl_sheets">::ooxml::xl_sheets</a></b> file 
		return sheetInformation 
	<b><a id="xl_read">::ooxml::xl_read</a></b> file args 
	Reads the tables with all the implemented information into an <a id="workbookData">array</a>. 
		<dd>Read data only, no formatting</dd>
		<dd>Create a key list</dd>
		<dt>-sheets PATTERN</dt>
		<dd>Load only the specified table IDs</dd>
		<dt>-sheetnames PATTERN</dt>
		<dd>Load only the tables with the specified names</dd>
		<dt>-datefmt FORMAT</dt>
		<dd>Date format (default = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")</dd>
		<dt>-as array</dt>
		<dd>Currently only array output</dd>
		return workbookData 
	<b><a id="xl_write">::ooxml::xl_write</a></b> <b>constructor</b> args -creator CREATOR 
		<dt>-creator CREATOR</dt>
		<dd>Set author name</dd>
		return class 
	<b><a id="numberformat">::ooxml::xl_write</a></b> method <b>numberformat</b> args 
	Creates an Excel number format (<a id="NUMFMTID">NUMFMTID</a>) for the current workbook. 
		<dt>-format FORMAT</dt>
		<dd>FORMAT can be any Excel format-string</dd>
		<dd>Excel general-format</dd>
		<dd>Date format</dd>
		<dd>Time format</dd>
		<dd>Date/Time format</dd>
		<dd>Date/Time in ISO8601 notation</dd>
		<dd>Decimal number with 2 decimal places</dd>
		<dd>Color red on negative values (can be combined with number and decimal)</dd>
		<dd>Thousand separators (can be combined with number and decimal)</dd>
		<dd>Scientific numbers</dd>
		return NUMFMTID 
	<b><a id="defaultdatestyle">::ooxml::xl_write</a></b> method <b>defaultdatestyle</b> <a href="#STYLEID"> STYLEID </a> 
	Set the style for the default date format (default=0) for the current workbook. 
	<b><a id="font">::ooxml::xl_write</a></b> method <b>font</b> args 
	Create a <a id="FONTID">FONTID</a> with the following settings for the current workbook. 
		<dd>Returns the list of currently defined fonts, in stead of FONTID.</dd>
		<dt>-name NAME</dt>
		<dd>(default = "Calibri")</dd>
		<dt>-family FAMILY</dt>
		<dd>(defauft = 2)</dd>
		<dt>-size SIZE</dt>
		<dd>(default = 12)</dd>
		<dt>-color <a href="#COLOR"> COLOR</a></dt>
		<dd>(default = "theme 1")</dd>
		<dt>-scheme SCHEME</dt>
		<dd>(default = "minor")</dd>
		<dt>-color <a href="#COLOR"> COLOR</a></dt>
		return FONTID 
	<b><a id="fill">::ooxml::xl_write</a></b> method <b>fill</b> args 
	Create a <a id="FILLID">FILLID</a> with the following settings for the current workbook. 
		<dd>Returns the list of currently defined fills, in stead of FILLID.</dd>
		<dt>-patterntype <a href="#PATTERNTYPE"> PATTERNTYPE</a></dt>
		<dd>(default = "none")</dd>
		<dt>-fgcolor <a href="#COLOR"> COLOR</a></dt>
		<dt>-bgcolor <a href="#COLOR"> COLOR</a></dt>
		return FILLID 
	<b><a id="border">::ooxml::xl_write</a></b> method <b>border</b> args 
	Create a <a id="BORDERID">BORDERID</a> with the following settings for the current workbook. 
		<dd>Returns the list of currently defined borders, in stead of BORDERID.</dd>
		<dt>-leftstyle <a href="#BORDERLINESTYLE">BORDERLINESTYLE</a></dt>
		<dt>-leftcolor <a href="#COLOR">COLOR</a></dt>
		<dt>-rightstyle <a href="#BORDERLINESTYLE">BORDERLINESTYLE</a></dt>
		<dt>-rightcolor <a href="#COLOR">COLOR</a></dt>
		<dt>-topstyle <a href="#BORDERLINESTYLE"> ORDERLINESTYLE</a></dt>
		<dt>-topcolor <a href="#COLOR"> COLOR</a></dt>
		<dt>-bottomstyle <a href="#BORDERLINESTYLE">BORDERLINESTYLE</a></dt>
		<dt>-bottomcolor <a href="#COLOR">COLOR</a></dt>
		<dt>-diagonalstyle <a href="#BORDERLINESTYLE">BORDERLINESTYLE</a></dt>
		<dt>-diagonalcolor <a href="#COLOR">COLOR</a></dt>
		<dt>-diagonaldirection <a href="#DIAGONALDIRECTION">DIAGONALDIRECTION</a></dt>
		return BORDERID 
	<b><a id="style">::ooxml::xl_write</a></b> method <b>style</b> args 
	Create a <a id="STYLEID">STYLEID</a> with the following settings for the current workbook. 
		<dd>Returns the list of currently defined styles, in stead of STYLEID.</dd>
		<dt>-numfmt <a href="#NUMFMTID">NUMFMTID</a></dt>
		<dt>-font <a href="#FONTID">FONTID</a></dt>
		<dd>From method font.</dd>
		<dt>-fill <a href="#FILLID">FILLID</a></dt>
		<dd>From method fill.</dd>
		<dt>-border <a href="#BORDERID">BORDERID</a></dt>
		<dd>From method border.</dd>
		<dt>-xf XFID</dt>
		<dd>(default = 0) no method implemented yet</dd>
		<dt>-horizontal <a href="#HORIZONTAL">HORIZONTAL</a></dt>
		<dt>-vertical <a href="#VERTICAL">VERTICAL</a></dt>
		<dt>-rotate <a href="#DEGREE">DEGREE</a></dt>
		return STYLEID 
	<b><a id="worksheet">::ooxml::xl_write</a></b> method <b>worksheet</b> name 
	Creates a new <a id="sheet">woksheet</a> for the current workbook. 
		return sheet 
	<b><a id="column">::ooxml::xl_write</a></b> method <b>column</b> <a href="#sheet"> sheet </a> args 
	Column definitions for the specified worksheet. 
		<dt>-index INDEX</dt>
		<dd>(autoincrement of column if INDEX not applied)</dd>
		<dt>-to INDEX</dt>
		<dt>-width WIDTH</dt>
		<dt>-style <a href="#STYLEID"> STYLEID</a></dt>
		return column 
	<b><a id="row">::ooxml::xl_write</a></b> method <b>row</b> <a href="#sheet"> sheet </a> args 
	Sets values for the new line or jumps to the line number for the specified worksheet. 
		<dt>-index INDEX</dt>
		<dd>(autoincrement of row if INDEX not applied)</dd>
		<dt>-height HEIGHT</dt>
		return row 
	<b><a id="cell">::ooxml::xl_write</a></b> method <b>cell</b> <a href="#sheet"> sheet </a> {data {}} args 
		<dt>-index INDEX</dt>
		<dd>(autoincrement of column if INDEX not applied)</dd>
		<dt>-style <a href="#STYLEID"> STYLEID</a></dt>
		<dt>-formula FORMULA</dt>
		<dt>-height HEIGHT</dt>
		return row,column 
	<b><a id="autofilter">::ooxml::xl_write</a></b> method <b>autofilter</b> <a href="#sheet"> sheet </a> indexFrom indexTo 
	Set autofilter for the specified worksheet. 
	<b><a id="freeze">::ooxml::xl_write</a></b> method <b>freeze</b> <a href="#sheet"> sheet </a> index 
	Freeze panes for the specified worksheet. 
	<b><a id="presetsheets">::ooxml::xl_write</a></b> method <b>presetsheets</b> <a href="#workbookData"> workbookData </a> 
	An Excel document read in with ::ooxml::xl_read with the known formats and data preassigned. 
	<b><a id="view">::ooxml::xl_write</a></b> method <b>view</b> args 
		<dd>Returns the list of currently defined view options</dd>
		<dt>-activetab TAB</dt>
		<dd>Index to the active sheet in this book view; defaults to 0 which is tab 1.</dd>
		<dt>-x <a href="#TWIPS"> TWIPS </a></dt>
		<dd>X coordinate for the upper left corner of the workbook window. The unit of measurement for this value is twips. </dd>
		<dt>-y <a href="#TWIPS"> TWIPS </a></dt>
		<dd>Y coordinate for the upper left corner of the workbook window. The unit of measurement for this value is twips. </dd>
		<dt>-height <a href="#TWIPS"> TWIPS </a></dt>
		<dd>Specifies the height of the workbook window. The unit of measurement for this value is twips.</dd>
		<dt>-width <a href="#TWIPS"> TWIPS </a></dt>
		<dd>Specifies the width of the workbook window. The unit of measurement for this value is twips.</dd>

	<b><a id="write">::ooxml::xl_write</a></b> method <b>write</b> filename 
	Writes the defined Excel document. 
	<b><a id="tablelist_to_xl">::ooxml::tablelist_to_xl</a></b> lb args 
	Exporting a tablelist to an Excel file. 
		<dt>-callback CALLBACK</dt>
		<dd>default CALLBACK: ::ooxml::tablelist_to_xl_callback</dd>
		<dd>Callback arguments: spreadsheet sheet maxcol column title width align sortmode hide</dd>
		<dt>-path PATH</dt>
		<dt>-file FILENAME</dt>
		<dt>-creator CREATOR</dt>
		<dt>-name NAME</dt>
		<dd>export tablelist root nodes only</dd>
		<dd>add timestamp to filename</dd>
		<dd>use / recognize global styles</dd>
	CALLBACK sample and default: 
<verbatim>proc ::ooxml::tablelist_to_xl_callback { spreadsheet sheet maxcol column title width align sortmode hide } {
  set left 0
  set center [$spreadsheet style -horizontal center]
  set right [$spreadsheet style -horizontal right]
  set date [$spreadsheet style -numfmt [$spreadsheet numberformat -datetime]]
  set decimal [$spreadsheet style -numfmt [$spreadsheet numberformat -decimal -red]]
  set text [$spreadsheet style -numfmt [$spreadsheet numberformat -string]]

  if {$column == -1} {
    $spreadsheet defaultdatestyle $date
  } else {
    switch -- $align {
      center {
        $spreadsheet column $sheet -index $column -style $center
      right {
        $spreadsheet column $sheet -index $column -style $right
      default {
        $spreadsheet column $sheet -index $column -style $left

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