
Update of "man-page"

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Artifact ID: 36d9e45837d93e1b1f0898dfa4c1645555d7d76b529c6f84ea0562d4dc92bf12
Page Name:man-page
Date: 2019-08-06 21:03:15
Original User: alex
Parent: 60a5f4ecd128d3ac02ad6d315246664d6a20c0f44072524ae373075c9568e7b6 (diff)
Next 7ef9565bb6f76373a956b356ae495bc3527116132bbbdb065578549e27bafcac


   ::ooxml::Default name value
   ::ooxml::RowColumnToString rowcol
   ::ooxml::StringToRowColumn name
   ::ooxml::CalcColumnWidth numberOfCharacters ?maximumDigitWidth? ?pixelPadding?
   ::ooxml::xl_sheets file
   ::ooxml::xl_read file args
   ::ooxml::xl_write args
   ::ooxml::tablelist_to_xl lb args


dashDot | dashDotDot | dashed | dotted | double | hair | medium | mediumDashDot | mediumDashDotDot | mediumDashDotDot | none | slantDashDot | thick | thin


Aqua | Black | Blue | BlueRomance | Canary | CarnationPink | Citrus | Cream | DarkSlateBlue | DeepSkyBlue | Eucalyptus | Fuchsia | Gray | Green | Karaka | LavenderBlue | LightCoral | LightCyan | LightSkyBlue | Lime | Lipstick | Maroon | Mauve | MediumTurquoise | Myrtle | Navy | NavyBlue | NightRider | Nobel | Olive | OrangePeel | PeachOrange | Portage | PrussianBlue | Purple | Red | RoyalBlue | SaddleBrown | SafetyOrange | Scampi | Silver | TangerineYellow | Teal | White | Yellow | SystemBackground | SystemForeground




up | down


left | center | right


darkDown | darkGray | darkGrid | darkHorizontal | darkTrellis | darkUp | darkVertical | gray0625 | gray125 | lightDown | lightGray | lightGrid | lightHorizontal | lightTrellis | lightUp | lightVertical | mediumGray | none | solid


top | center | bottom

::ooxml::Default name value

Overwrites default values

::ooxml::RowColumnToString rowcol

Converts coordinates from numeric row,column (0,0) to Excel style alphanumeric (A1) etc.

::ooxml::StringToRowColumn name

Converts coordinates from Excel style alphanumeric (A1) to numeric row,column (0,0) etc.

::ooxml::CalcColumnWidth numberOfCharacters {maximumDigitWidth 7} {pixelPadding 5}

Calculates the column width based on the number of characters

::ooxml::xl_sheets file

::ooxml::xl_read file args

Reads the tables with all the implemented information into an array.

::ooxml::xl_write constructor args -creator CREATOR

::ooxml::xl_write method numberformat args

Creates an Excel number format (NUMFMTID) for the current workbook.

::ooxml::xl_write method defaultdatestyle STYLEID

Set the style for the default date format (default=0) for the current workbook.

::ooxml::xl_write method font args

Create a FONTID with the following settings for the current workbook.

::ooxml::xl_write method fill args

Create a FILLID with the following settings for the current workbook.

::ooxml::xl_write method border args

Create a BORDERID with the following settings for the current workbook.

::ooxml::xl_write method style args

Create a STYLEID with the following settings for the current workbook.

::ooxml::xl_write method worksheet name

Creates a new woksheet for the current workbook.

::ooxml::xl_write method column sheet args

Column definitions for the specified worksheet.

::ooxml::xl_write method row sheet args

Sets values for the new line or jumps to the line number for the specified worksheet.

::ooxml::xl_write method cell sheet {data {}} args

::ooxml::xl_write method autofilter sheet indexFrom indexTo

Set autofilter for the specified worksheet.

::ooxml::xl_write method freeze sheet index

Freeze panes for the specified worksheet.

::ooxml::xl_write method presetsheets workbookData

An Excel document read in with ::ooxml::xl_read with the known formats and data preassigned.

::ooxml::xl_write method write filename

Writes the defined Excel document.

::ooxml::tablelist_to_xl lb args

Exporting a tablelist to an Excel file.

CALLBACK sample and default:

proc ::ooxml::tablelist_to_xl_callback { spreadsheet sheet maxcol column title width align sortmode hide } {
  set left 0
  set center [$spreadsheet style -horizontal center]
  set right [$spreadsheet style -horizontal right]
  set date [$spreadsheet style -numfmt [$spreadsheet numberformat -datetime]]
  set decimal [$spreadsheet style -numfmt [$spreadsheet numberformat -decimal -red]]
  set text [$spreadsheet style -numfmt [$spreadsheet numberformat -string]]

  if {$column == -1} {
    $spreadsheet defaultdatestyle $date
  } else {
    switch -- $align {
      center {
        $spreadsheet column $sheet -index $column -style $center
      right {
        $spreadsheet column $sheet -index $column -style $right
      default {
        $spreadsheet column $sheet -index $column -style $left